Professor Hong Yan

Director's Message

Advance the world with emerging technologies.

Established and located in the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks (HKSTP), the Centre for Intelligent Multidimensional Data Analysis (CIMDA) is where we devote ourselves to high-technology research and development. As a member of the AIR@InnoHK Cluster, CIMDA closely works with its collaborating institutions, City University of Hong Kong and University of Oxford. Here world-class research leaders from these and other institutions and industries join their hands and work on high-calibre projects in mathematics, computer science and engineering, digital media, biology and medicine.

We specialize in diverse fields of artificial intelligence and big data analysis, including:

•     Tensor and Hypergraph Theories
•     Machine Learning
•     Parallel Computing
•     Software and Hardware Development
•     Signal, Image, and Video Processing and Analysis
•     Computer Graphics and Animation
•     Biomedical Data Analysis

Our team is comprised of research scientists, visiting academics, postdoctoral fellows, research assistants, multimedia designers, computer programmers, Ph.D. students, and undergraduate interns. We cherish talents who are with competencies, professional knowledge, skills, creativity, and ambition. If you possess these capabilities and are interested in working in a friendly and energetic team, please send to us your CV and qualification at.

You may contact our Technology Development Team at if you are already working in the industry and are looking for collaboration.

We also welcome physical visits at our Centre if you make a reservation in advance.

Collaborating Institutions:


Disclaimer: Centre for Intelligent Multidimensional Data Analysis Limited (CIMDA) is established under the support of InnoHK and the HKSAR. CIMDA’s publicity materials do not reflect the views, opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations of the HKSAR or HKSTP.